Pillar 3:

The sufferings and passion of the crucified Jesus, is a very important devotion to this apostolate. This devotion is important, because through the crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus has redeemed the world, and has given value to human suffering (Colossians 1:24).

For Pillar 3, the emphasis is twofold:

  1. Unite our sufferings to the crucified Christ, in order for Him to use our sufferings as a means to increase the holiness of the clergy

  2. Meditate frequently on Christ's passion in order for us to be like Jesus and carry our crosses faithfully 

To help us meditate on Christ's passion, I have listed below some important aspects of the Passion, and some popular devotions.

Christ's passion includes the following: 

Some devotions connected to Christ's passion includes the following:

A clip of Behold the Wood composed by Dan Schutte, was recorded at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Pensacola, Florida) at a Good Friday service (April 14, 2006)