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Advice in Picking a Faithful Catholic Educational Institute


Sadly, in the world today, there are many Catholic educational institutes which teach against the Magisterium. This means if you are looking into receiving an education from a Catholic educational institute, you need to first investigate if the institute is faithful to the authentic Teaching of the Catholic Church, before becoming a student at that institute.

One way to check if a Catholic educational institute is faithful to the authentic Teaching of the Church, is to ask the institute if their Catholic theology professors have their bishop's recognition of their pledge to teach the Faith in communion with the Magisterium of the Church (mandatum).

Below are some resources to help you pick a faithful Catholic educational institute. The resources are:

It is also important to mention, that as a substitute to a Catholic college/university, there are many secular educational institutes, which have vibrant orthodox Catholic centers. These seclar institutes, are faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are on fire for Jesus. Texas A&M University for example, has a wonderful Catholic center, worthy of checking out. To learn more about orthodox Catholic centers at secular colleges/universities, contact the Cardinal Newman Society.


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